Religion Paradox

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We often like to think of ourselves to live in truth and honesty. No one likes to live in falsehood. But reality seems to escape from our hands each time we fist our palms to catch hold of reality. That is because we do not live an objective reality. We are prominently dependent on our subjective realities. We choose our realities and life philosophies, which fits the pattern of our convenience. Convenient truth is not the rational one, because a rational truth is supposed to be unbiased and highly objective.
There is no big an example as religion when it comes to subjective philosophy.

Religion has dominated over humanity for about as long as we can remember humanity to exist, in one form or another. Roots of its philosophy is more than a mystery to all, regardless of its acceptance or trial of invalidation through rationalization of its creation, no one can truly objectively explain the beginning of this philosophy based on any credible facts; nor can anyone prove the validity of any religion with concrete admissible evidences. Yet almost all of humanity still chooses to accept which none knows about from its very commencement to its admirable teachings to what we come to understand of it as off today.
Religion is undoubtedly the most misunderstood and ill understood part of human reality; because it is religion that has killed millions and it is religions that has build civilizations, morals, ethics, behavior, culture, tradition and much more. It is almost incomprehensible to our minds how far has it got us and how much it has stopped us.
This does not mean religion is fake nor do I claim its authenticity and validity. The problem is, religion has been altered a numerous times by our political and religious authorities to claim fraudulent propositions as ultimate reality which is finely tuned in their convenience. But when investigated and researched most people are shocked to find the abundance of sacred knowledge and messages administered in religious teachings both directly and indirectly (in metaphorical manners). This is why all religions is built on the foundations of stories and legends which give you both direct messages and metaphorical indirect messages, for which we need real legitimate thinkers/teachers to convey the metaphorical messages similar to how scientists would study the complex sciences and convey the scientific laws and knowledge in a very simple and direct form.

The reason why all religions are highly flawed and questionable today is the same reason to why all our systems today are going towards its perishable moment and self-destruction; it’s the clash of subjective verses objective choices. Even many scientists and doctors today are giving fraudulent information and analysis to make a quick buck, and slowly altering the origin and basis of science itself by the spread of these false sciences. Religion has been around for more than we can comprehend, and it has been going through this very cycle of fraud and falsification and alteration over a great period of time that has resulted it to be as it is today.

Religion is no more than a philosophy when not understood, and it is no less than any science when studied, it is a collaboration of both the subjective and the objective, which is what makes it so confusing yet fascinating and above all, relevant.

-The Civil Illuminator


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