Are we Purpose or Profit Driven?

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We often, these days, tend to complicate things rather than simplify them. Has anyone ever thought why?
Why do we find the need to complicated and boggle ourselves when we could just keep things simple and live with ease?
So lets simplify things a little for now.
We often think of science as a very complicated mess understood by the brainiest people of the world to lead us to the betterment in almost all aspects. But what science really means at its true core is rational reasoning.
So lets look into that for a second and simplify it to understand its true nature. 

What is rational? 
According to most dictionaries it means: agreeable to reason, sensible and reasonable/sound judgment. 
What is reason?
It is a form of judgment by a process of logic.
Now logic is defined as ‘reasoning conduction or assessed according to strict principles of validity: experience is a better guide to this than deductive logic.’ Then why is that we need “logical reasoning” or “science” to validate the credibility of any and all experiences, while we discover that the core of science itself is pretty crooked up which is jumbled up and ultimately is just logical/mythical judgment on the basis of no true or real evaluation and it goes round and round back to the same point like hovering in a cycle which we take as a legitimate explanation instead. In fact, we could just keep going more and more deep into this mess of definitions and justifications to just this one word/idea of science as an example even.

We often forget that there is a reason/purpose to everything we do and if not then there should be. I hope this is agreeable. So then, when we peep into our lives today how many of us really think of the purpose of anything at all? For instance, the defined or better said, the marketed purpose to schooling is to make one educated; civilized and so one could understand the true realities of nature and world for the betterment.
How many of us today, go to schools for having a better potential of earning and ease to attain luxury or “economic security” as some of us would like to call it?
We school ourselves forgetting its prime purpose we joined in for and get distorted to making more profits instead.
We, strictly just in my opinion, are driven by profit and driven away from purpose.
But what is this profit for? What is the purpose of it; looking at it scientifically or reasoning it rationally? If it is for the betterment then we could do it anyway just by following what we had to at the first place, following the prime purpose of any activity, why take the twisted complicated route to uncertainly attain which is certainly attainable with simplicity and ease?
We today, in my opinion, are lost and boggled between the choice and nature of purpose and profit. We strive for either with no certainty of its true nature and purpose. Its like, we get in a bus with no idea of where to get of and why so or why not.
We have profits to attain luxury, which leads us to comfort, which leads us to happiness. But come to think about it what then? Why do we need or want to be happy? We don’t see our nature trying to comfort itself with profits and it seems to have been fine for the past several million years.
We are lacking to find purpose in everything we do today which is why, in my opinion, we are lost and have got no idea where to go with where we are and how to go about it, especially with the ecological, biological, economical, philosophical, religious and fundamentalist reoccurring collapse lead by us to us in thriving for attaining those very purposeless pleasures which seem to comfort us and make us happy.
Reasoning or leading a scientific life in real terms by giving meaning or finding meaning of each act is how we can validate any act. Because any act without true validation losses its credibility.
So what is the credibility of what we are striving for today?
Why have we lost purpose in path to achieve the purpose itself?

- The Civil Illuminator

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